Quantum Inventions is a leading provider of
navigation software

with more than 10 years of experience in this field. Our unparalleled knowledge and innovation comes together in our Connected Navigation System (CNS) which enables carmakers to offer their end users a world-class navigation experience. Our customizable navigation software provides OEMs and Tier 1 manufacturers best of both worlds in terms of flexibility, cost-effectiveness and time-to-market.

Navifation Software

A full featured solution with localized maps, rich graphics and connected services, Galactio offers OEMs and authorized dealers a flexible, cost-effective and easy to integrate navigation system. Integrate our technology into cars to provide an in-car navigation system to your customers, enabling them to plan their journey, optimize their routes while driving and access information on parking availability close to their destination.

  • Intuitive user interface
  • Regular software and map updates
  • Available on windows CE, Androi

Connected Services

For the Automotive industry, Galactio offers modular navigation software components that enable OEMs Galactio connected navigation services give the end user access to the most relevant and real-time driver information. Our robust system offers CRM capabilities, enabling OEMs to bring a customized, upgradeable and seamless connected navigation experience to end users.

  • Highly accurate traffic information, weather reports and road incidents
  • Travel services such as fuel, parking prediction and availability information
  • Driver assistance features with warnings for speed cameras and traffic cameras
  • Companion app component for Android and iOS

CRM System

QI’s service platform mapSYNQ is a real-time information services delivery ecosystem. Using a unified identity for personalization, the platform provides a universal and seamless experience for users, delivering use inspired connected services that not just satisfy, but also augment, their modern lifestyle, entertainment and social needs.

MapSYNQ is designed to readily integrate with existing customer management systems of automotive companies, providing an opportunity to connect with, and better understand individual drivers, and devise unique forms of customer engagement and retention through behavior analytics. Designed with reliability, security and scalability in mind, mapsynq provides a 24×7 always-on assurance that rich applications and connected vehicles need in today’s era of IOT.

Customized Solution

Available as a licensed software, our solution is scalable and allows total brand customization of the portal. To meet OEM’s requirements, we offer customization of user portal (maps), user interface and skin.

  • Custom engineering of standard components to meet your business needs
  • Complete integration of all components to work as one system
  • Delivered to agreed specifications and time-lines

Our Customer

Major corporations choose Galactio as their trusted navigation software.


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